We are passionate about impacting lives around an open Bible.
Harvest Baptist Church of Blue Springs has been part of the community for more than 25 years!
Our motto is “Ministry runs on the rails of relationships.” Our primary goal is to help the lost develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We then strive to provide a biblical foundation for a lifestyle of faith through one-on-one discipleship. In Discipleship, we teach the importance of being established in God’s Word, the local church, worship and ministry.
Whether you are new to church or have been attending for years, there’s plenty of room to grow with us at Harvest.
W. Alan Shelby, Lead Pastor
Somos una comunidad hispana que estamos para servirle y nos gustaría conocerle y cuanto nos alegraría que fueran parte de nuestra clase.
Te esperamos!
9:00AM: Traducción al español del servicio principal disponible
10:45AM: Clase de español en el salón #506