
6th - 12th GRADE

The goal of the UpperRoom Youth Ministry can be summed up in two words: #MakeReady. 

Mark 14:15 And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us.

Brett Kesinger, Education Pastor

6th-12th grade students::
Join us Sundays at 10:45AM

OUR MISSION matches the pattern of our discipleship ministry. To train up our youth as disciples of Christ: and when they graduate they will not depart but make disciples and multiply. (Prov. 22:6 + Matt. 28:19). One version of our class logo contains four square steps that mirror the four goals of discipleship. Youth ministry is the mission field that God has entrusted us with, and at its core, it’s no different than that of the church. We have: 

>> Praise – We are established in worship. (Praise the Lord for our youth-led praise team! We are rich, and they outshine the 30 minutes of preaching every week.)

>> Preach – We are established in the Word of God. It doesn’t return void (Isa. 55:11). We simply expose the Truth that the God of the Word has already provided.  

>> Play – We are established in fellowship. Watching relationships with the Lord grow as friendships blossom is the greatest gift! Each week, class ends with a variety of team sports and social opportunities.

>> Participate – We are established in the work of the ministry. We “make ready” so the students can reach out to their friends. We “make ready” so they can serve among the Body.”

THE RESULT >> 1 Peter 5:10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

So much growth happens by leaning into what already exists — Wednesday nights, Bible studies, summer camp, family events (missions conference, etc.). However, if your student is hungry for more, here are some good suggestions for spiritual growth:

>> Pastor Alan’s Prayer Diary :: a great “Bible in a Year” plan + prayer prompts

>> Biblical Mentorship :: awesome discipleship-prep tool to go through with a parent / mentor

>> Upperclassmen? Let’s Discuss! They may be ready for Discipleship 1 (or even an LFBI course)

>> Living Faith Books :: like 52 Weeks of Pursuit, The Gospel Course, Emotional Victory, etc.

>> Tech + Kids Series :: a 10-week class for parents with great tips & training on navigating technology with your kids

We offer weekly Bible studies where students can intimately connect with leaders and peers around the Word.

Wednesdays || 6:30-8:30pm || Dinner served in the gym at 5:30pm

Our UpperRoom leaders would love to connect with you and answer any questions that you have!

Looking for the Harvest

activity waiver?

It can be turned into the church office, the welcome desk, or any UR leader.