CARE Ministry
Caring and Reaching Everyone
The CARE Ministry’s goal is to love, serve and assist our members in key areas such as benevolence, funerals, weddings, hospital and home visitation, prayer list, altar counselors, and our “Hammers with Hearts” ministry; which helps seniors, widows, others in church and home projects. The ministry’s purpose is to ensure that our congregation is cared for and to assist in community efforts.
– Dave Hill, CARE Pastor
Hammers with Hearts
There’s a special place in our hearts for singles, widows, the elderly and those in hospice care. For their special life circumstances, we have hands prepared to help. Hammers with Hearts strives to find “out of the box” ways to serve our church body through acts of service.
Past service projects have included lawn maintenance, home repair, house painting, and more.
If you, or someone you know, would like to request assistance from our Hammers with Hearts team, click the link below.
Life Issues Harvest - An Addiction Recovery Ministry
Life Issues serves individuals and families; seeking to meet the various practical needs that they encounter through addiction and poor choices, and teaching life skills to help break the cycle of additional and keep it from becoming generational.
Life Issues meets in 8-week sessions (with 4-week breaks in between). The ministry is a service to members of Harvest Baptist Church and families. We hope to at some point be available to the community of Blue Springs, MO.
Theme Verse: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” - Proverbs 4:23
“Our Mission is to heal, save, and free the addicted, by the Spirit of God answering to the word of God in their life”
Staying Connected Caring Ministry
The Staying Connected Ministry, a part of Harvest’s CARE ministry, is dedicated to supporting individuals in facilities who may feel forgotten.
Our mission is to provide a sense of community and spiritual connection through regular visits. Teams will engage in worship, prayer, sharing of scripture, and fellowship, offering a warm invitation for social interaction. Each visit lasts forty-five minutes to an hour and will occur monthly, adapting to the needs of our church community. Our ministry is currently active and committed to reaching out as needs arise, ensuring that everyone feels valued and connected.
Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. Isaiah 6:8b