We Are

Bible believing. The Bible is the Word of God, inspired and inerrant. Through time, God preserved His Word in a collection of sixty-six books known as the Bible, which begins with Genesis and ends with Revelation. The King James (KJV) Bible is God’s scripture in English.

Historic & Fundamental. We believe in the sound doctrines of the Bible, because it’s all about Jesus! His deity, birth from a virgin, sacrifice for our sin, resurrection of his body & imminent second coming.

Local Church. We believe in the authority of the local Church, and its separation from both State and political entanglements. We believe that the church has two biblical ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

Dispensational. We “rightly divide the word of truth,” acknowledging God has dispensed eternal life by grace through faith in different ways at different times in human history.

Premillenial. We believe the Bible teaches that the harvest (rapture) of the Church, and the seven year Tribulation period, will both occur prior to the Millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ on this planet after his Second Coming.

Purposeful. Our purpose is the Eternal Purpose of God: to glorify himself, by Jesus Christ, through his body the church, as we walk in the Spirit and preach the gospel to the world.

Baptism and the Lord's Supper are “ordinances” which means God ordered them to be done. Ordinances symbolize a believer's union with Christ.


  • Baptism commemorates our identification with Christ — a visual reminder of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus; the death of the old nature through the reception of God’s saving grace through Jesus Christ; and the promise of our future hope when our mortal bodies will be raised for eternity.

  • Baptism is NOT salvation. Baptism pictures our salvation, but does not save us.  We are saved by God’s grace, not by anything we do to earn it.  John 3:16, Eph 2:8-9

Ready to be baptized?

Lord’s Supper

  • The Lord’s Supper, also called communion, demonstrates the doctrine of substitution — Christ died for us — and reminds us of the means by which God’s salvation was secured on our behalf. The unleavened bread is a symbol of the perfection of the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ in His body, soul and spirit. The wine symbolizes the blood of an innocent sacrifice, shed for the remission of the sins of the guilty.

  • We observe close communion, which means we welcome all like-minded believers to join us in this ordinance